What is a Group of Ravens Called?


As a birds lover you may want to ask the inevitable question. What is a Group of Ravens Called? Well, the answer is not far fetched. A large group of ravens is referred to as “unkindness”.

Ravens are large, intelligent birds that inhabit diverse habitats across the globe. They are social animals that live in groups of up to 50 members.

Ravens are extremely intelligent creatures. Ravens are famous to solve complex problems, utilize tools, and even mimic human speech. Additionally, they are highly adaptable and can survive in various environments.

Ravens are scavengers that consume various foods, including insects, small mammals, fruit, and carrion.
Ravens are frequently link with death and misfortune. However, they are also symbols of intelligence and wisdom. In some cultures, ravens are believe to be spiritual messengers.

In this article, I will reveal the collective noun and other collective nouns for Ravens.

Click here to learn the collective noun for Group of Hawk.

Let’s dive into it.

What are Ravens?

Ravens are large black birds popular for their intelligence and distinctive cawing. They belong to the Corvus genus, which includes crows, jackdaws, and rooks.

Ravens lives across the Northern Hemisphere and are highly adaptable to various habitats, including forests, mountains, and urban areas. With their sharp beaks and keen eyesight, these birds have become renowned for their problem-solving skills and intriguing behaviors.

What is a Group of Ravens Called?

A group of ravens is referred to as unkindness. It is believed that this term originated in the nineteenth century, when people believed ravens to be uncaring parents. Regrettably, this is not the case. Ravens are excellent parents who provide exceptional care for their young.

It’s possible that the term “unkindness” was influence by the perception of ravens as mysterious and even sinister creatures. Some cultures associate ravens with death and bad luck. In other cultures, ravens are symbols of intelligence and wisdom.

Whether you consider ravens to be “kind” or “unkind,” it cannot be denied that they are fascinating and intelligent creatures.

Other collective nouns for ravens include:

  • Conspiracy
  • Rave
  • Treachery
  • Flock

Facts and Statistics:

SizeWingspan: Up to 4.5 feet and Weight: 1.5 to 4 pounds
IntelligenceComparable to apes and dolphins, showing remarkable problem-solving abilities
LifespanAround 15 to 20 years in the wild, with some individuals known to survive up to 30 years
Social StructuresDemonstrate complex social structures and Small family groups or larger flocks
DietCarrion, insects, fruits, and small mammals and Capable of stealing food from other predators

Here are some more interesting facts about ravens:

  • Ravens are the only birds that can fly backward.
  • Ravens can live for up to 30 years in the wild.
  • Ravens have a very strong sense of smell.
  • Ravens are very good at mimicking human speech.
  • Ravens can to play games, such as dropping objects from high places and catching them in mid-air.

The History of Ravens

Throughout history, ravens have captured the human imagination, appearing in myths, legends, and folklore across various cultures.

Ancient civilizations, such as the Norse and Celtic, considered them symbols of wisdom, prophetic abilities, and even death.

Their dark and mysterious presence is link to both positive and negative connotations, making them fascinating creatures in the collective consciousness.

Ravens in Folklore

In folklore, ravens often appear as tricksters and shape-shifters. They are popular for cleverness and mischievous beings, capable of outsmarting others with their cunning intellect.

Many cultures believe that ravens possess the power to foretell the future or deliver messages from the spiritual realm. These mythical qualities further contribute to the allure and intrigue surrounding these birds.

Ravens in Literature

Ravens have left their mark on the world of literature, becoming significant symbols in many renowned works. In Edgar Allan Poe’s famous poem, “The Raven,” the black bird embodies a sense of grief, melancholy, and foreboding.

Its repeated refrain of “nevermore” echoes hauntingly in the narrator’s mind, intensifying the poem’s eerie atmosphere.

Ravens in Film

The allure of ravens has also made its way into cinema. These dark birds often appear in movies, representing mysticism, intelligence, and sometimes malevolence.

Alfred Hitchcock’s psychological thriller “The Birds” prominently features black birds, including ravens, as harbingers of chaos and terror. Their presence adds layer of unease and suspense to the gripping storyline.

Ravens in Art

Throughout art history, ravens have fascinated artists in various mediums. From ancient cave paintings to modern-day illustrations, these birds symbolize death, transformation, and wisdom.

Renowned painters like Francisco Goya and Odilon Redon have incorporated ravens in their works, capturing the enigmatic essence of these creatures on canvas.

Ravens in Religion

Ravens hold symbolic significance in several religious traditions. In Norse mythology, Odin, the chief god, had two faithful ravens, Huginn and Muninn, who served as his eyes and ears, providing him with valuable knowledge.

Similarly, in Native American spirituality, ravens are powerful spiritual beings, often associated with transformation, prophecy, and healing.

Ravens as Pets

While ravens are captivating creatures, it’s important to note that they are wild animals and not suitable as pets. The intelligence and complex social dynamics of ravens make them ill-suited for domestication.

Moreover, their natural behaviors and habitat requirements are difficult to replicate in a captive environment. It is best to admire and appreciate these magnificent birds in their natural habitats.


The group of ravens, known as an “unkindness,” reflects these intelligent black birds’ mysterious and intriguing nature. Across history, ravens have captivated human imagination with their presence in folklore, literature, film, and art.

They symbolize wisdom, transformation, and even death in various cultures, adding to their mysticism. While appreciating the allure of ravens, it’s vital to respect their wild nature and understand that they are best observe and admire from a distance.

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Click here to learn about collective noun for group of Eagles.


Q: Are ravens and crows the same bird?

A: While ravens and crows are closely related, they are different species. Ravens are larger, have a deeper voice, and possess wedge-shaped tails, whereas crows are smaller and have a more rounded tails.

Q: Can ravens mimic human speech like parrots?

A: No, ravens cannot mimic human speech like parrots. However, they can produce various vocalizations, including imitating other animal sounds.

Q: Are ravens consider pests?

A: Ravens are not typically consider pests. While they may sometimes be perceive as a nuisance due to their scavenging behavior, they play an essential ecological role in maintaining healthy ecosystems by controlling populations of small animals and serving as natural decomposers of carrion.