What Color are Blue Jay Eggs?

Blue jay eggs

It may interest you to ask What Color are Blue Jay Eggs? In reality, blue jay eggs are more of a light greenish-blue color with brown speckles throughout.

Blue jays, with their vibrant blue plumage, are some of the most striking birds in North America. But have you ever wondered about the color of their eggs?

In this article, we will examine the fascinating world of blue jay eggs and discover what color they are.

To learn about what Blue jay symbolize click here.

Blue Jay Eggs: Size and Shape

Blue jay eggs are relatively small compared to the size of the adult bird. On average, blue jay eggs measure around 1.0-1.3 inches in length. However, it’s important to note that there can be size variation among different eggs clutches.

In terms of shape, blue jay eggs are oval and slightly elongated, with one end slightly more pointed than the other. This shape allows them to fit snugly in the nest and prevents them from rolling out.

Blue Jay Eggs: Coloration

The color of blue jay eggs is a topic of interest for many bird enthusiasts. While the name “blue jay” might lead you to assume that their eggs are blue, that is not the case. Blue jay eggs actually have a pale, greenish-blue color with brown speckles.

It’s important to note that not all blue jay eggs have the exact same coloration. There can be some variation in the intensity and pattern of the speckles, with some eggs having more pronounced markings than others. This unique coloring helps blue jay eggs blend in with their surroundings and provides them with a form of camouflage.

Advantages of Blue Jay Egg Coloration

The coloration of blue jay eggs serves several important purposes. One advantage is camouflage. The pale, greenish-blue color and brown speckles of the eggs help them blend in with the nest and surrounding foliage, making it more difficult for predators to spot them.

This provides protection for the developing embryos and increases their chances of survival.

Another advantage of blue jay egg coloration is communication and signaling. The unique pattern of speckles on each egg could potentially serve as a way for blue jays to recognize their eggs and avoid accidentally damaging or displacing them when tending to the nest.

It could also serve as a form of signaling between the male and female blue jays during incubation.

Statistics and Facts about Blue Jay Eggs

Statistics and Facts about Blue Jay Eggs
Clutch SizeBlue jays typically lay 3-7 eggs per clutch, with 4-5 eggs being the average size.
Egg ColorThe eggs are pale blue or greenish-blue with brown or gray spots.
Egg DimensionsThe eggs measure approximately 1.0-1.3 inches (2.5-3.3 cm) in length and 0.7-0.9 inches (1.8-2.2 cm) in width.
Incubation PeriodThe incubation period for blue jay eggs is 17-18 days. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs.
Fledging TimeAfter about 16-18 days, the baby blue jays leave the nest and begin their independent journey.

Blue Jay Eggs – The Basics

  • The eggs of blue jays are oval in shape and have a smooth, shiny surface.
  • The eggs are laid in a cup-shaped nest constructed of twigs, leaves, and other natural materials.
  • The nest is usua built in a tree cavity or dense undergrowth.
  • Although the female blue jay handles most of the incubation, the male blue jay will assist in feeding her and the young birds.
  • Blue jay chicks are altricial, which means they hatch naked and helpless.
  • They will remain in the nest for about 16-18 days, being fed by their parents until they can fly and fend for themselves.

The Significance of Blue Jay Egg Color

  • The color of blue jay eggs is also thought to be a signal to other blue jays.
  • The eggs’ pale blue or greenish-blue color indicates that they are from a healthy female blue jay.
  • This information can be important to other blue jays, as they may choose to mate with a female who has laid eggs with a certain color.

How Blue Jay Eggs Get Their Color

  • The color of blue jay eggs is thought to be determined by the female blue jay’s diet.
  • Female blue jays that eat a diet that is high in carotenoids, which are pigments that give fruits and vegetables their bright colors, will lay eggs with a more intense blue color.
  • Conversely, female blue jays that eat a diet that is low in carotenoids will lay eggs with a more pale blue or greenish-blue color.

The Benefits of Blue Jay Egg Color

  • Blue jay eggs are camouflaged, which serves to protect them from predators.
  • The signal that the hue of blue jay eggs conveys to other blue jays can aid in the fertilization of the eggs by a healthy male blue jay.
  • Blue jay eggs’ bright blue color may be appealing to humans, leading to greater conservation efforts for blue jays.

The Disadvantages of Blue Jay Egg Color

  • The disguised colouring of blue jay eggs might make it difficult for humans to detect them, resulting in nest destruction.
  • The hue of blue jay eggs might draw unwanted attention from other birds, such as crows and hawks because it sends a signal to other blue jays.
  • Blue jay eggs’ bright blue color can make them more visible to predators like snakes and squirrels.


Blue jay eggs are not blue as one might expect. Instead, they have a pale, greenish-blue color with brown speckles. This unique coloration serves various purposes, including camouflage and communication. The subtle beauty of blue jay eggs adds to the wonder of these remarkable birds.

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What does it mean when you see a blue jay birds. click here to find out


Do all blue jay eggs have the same coloration?

No, there can be variation in the intensity and pattern of the speckles on blue jay eggs.

Why are blue jay eggs not blue?

The name “blue jay” refers to the color of the bird’s feathers, not the eggs.

How large are blue jay eggs?

On average, blue jay eggs measure around 1.0-1.3 inches in length.

Do blue jay eggs have any protective features?

Yes, the color and speckling of blue jay eggs provide camouflage and protection against predators.

What is the purpose of the unique speckling on blue jay eggs?

The speckling may serve as a way for blue jays to recognize their eggs and communicate with their mate during incubation.