Can Owls See During the Day? Daylight Vs Night Vision

Can Owls See During the Day?

Do you know if Owls Can See During the Day? Yes, owls can see during the day, but their daytime vision is not as sharp as their night vision. Owls are primarily adapted for low-light and nighttime hunting, and their eyes have evolved to maximize their ability to see in the dark.

Owls have perpetually fascinated humans with their enigmatic nature and astonishing hunting abilities. One question that often arises among curious individuals is, “Can owls see during the day?” Due to their nocturnal reputation, it seems counterintuitive for these birds to possess adequate vision during daylight hours.

In this article, I we will explore the truth behind owls’ visual capabilities during the day and shed light on how they manage to thrive in both low-light and bright conditions.

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Characteristics of Owls

Nocturnal Nature

One of the primary characteristics that have become synonymous with owls is their nocturnal behavior. Owls are predominantly active during the night, and their specialized adaptations for hunting in darkness have allowed them to become efficient nocturnal predators. The darkness presents unique challenges for vision, prompting owls to develop exceptional low-light visual capabilities.

Contrary to popular belief, owls do possess the ability to see during the day. However, their vision is specifically designed for low-light conditions, making bright daylight a considerable challenge for them. When exposed to bright light, owls may experience discomfort due to sensitivity to intense illumination.

Owls’ eyes are highly adapted to low-light environments, which makes them exquisitely sensitive to excessive light levels. When confronted with bright sunlight, owls may struggle to focus and may experience temporary visual impairment. Nonetheless, this limitation does not render them completely blind during the day.

Exceptional Low-Light Vision

In order to navigate and hunt in dimly lit environments, owls possess highly sensitive eyes. They have a higher number of rod cells, specialized photoreceptive cells that are essential for vision in low-light conditions. This abundance of rod cells grants owls the ability to detect and process even the faintest traces of light.

Apart from their increased number of rod cells, owls have several adaptations for enhanced night vision. These include a larger eye size relative to their body size, a wider range of motion to scan their surroundings, and an optimized arrangement of retinal cells. As a result of these adaptations, owls have unparalleled night vision capabilities.

Owl Eyes and Day Vision

Specialized Features for Daylight Vision

While owls are renowned for their exceptional night vision, they have also evolved specialized features to aid their vision during the day. The structure of owl eyes ensures dual functionality, allowing them to see in both low-light and bright-light conditions. Their large eyes provide optimal light-gathering capabilities necessary for effective vision during daylight hours.

Unique Eye Structure

Owl eyes have concentric layers of cells in the retina, arranged to maximize the use of available light. This unique arrangement increases the amount of light that reaches the photoreceptor cells, enhancing visual acuity. While their daytime vision might not surpass that of diurnal birds of prey, owls demonstrate remarkable adaptability when it comes to varied lighting conditions.

Can Owls See During the Day?

Yes, they can see in the daytime. But they are most active at night and can see better when there isn’t much light. Tapetum lucidum is a special adaptation that helps owls see in low light. The back of the eye is lined with a layer of tissue known as the tapetum lucidum. This tissue is reflective. It bounces light back through the retina, which helps the owl see better at night.

Owls also have big eyes that can see more light than other birds’ eyes. They can also see more than most birds can. This lets them see more of their surroundings even when there isn’t much light.

Owls can see during the day but can’t see as well as at night. During the day, their eyes are not as sensitive to light, so seeing small or moving objects may be hard.

Some owls, like the barn owl, are more active during the day than others. Barn owls usually hunt during the day, especially in places where there are a lot of people. This is because barn owls don’t fear people as much as other types of owls.

In general, owls can see during the day but not as well as at night. Their eyes are better at seeing small things and moving targets in the dark because they are used to seeing in low light.

Why Do Owls Come Out During The Day?

Owls are typically nocturnal, which means they are most active at night. However, some owls are more active during the day. There are a few reasons why owls might come out during the day:

  • Food availability: Some owls, such as the barn owl, hunt during the day because their prey is more active.
  • Habitat: Some owls live in areas where there is less human activity during the day, such as forests or fields. This allows them to hunt and forage without being disturbed.
  • Weather: Some owls may be more active during the day if the weather is cooler or if there is less wind.
  • Disease: Owls with certain diseases, such as the West Nile virus, maybe more active during the day.
  • Injury: An injured owl may be more active during the day because it is seeking food or shelter.

If you see an owl during the day, you should know the various reasons. It is preferable to leave the owl alone if it appears healthy and behaving normally. If the owl appears injured or unwell, contact a wildlife rehabilitator.

Here are some of the owls that are more active during the day:

  • Barn owl: This owl is one of North America’s most common. It can be found in various environments, including forests, fields, and cities. Barn owls are active at night and during the day but are more likely to be seen hunting during the day.
  • Short-eared owl: The short-eared owl is a small owl found in open habitats, fields and meadows. It is active day and night but is more likely to be seen hunting during the day.
  • Northern saw-whet owl: This owl species is small and can be found in forests. It is active during the day and night, but it is more likely to be seen hunting during the day in the spring and summer.
  • Mottled owl: The mottled owl is a small owl found in forests and woodlands. It is active during the day and night, but it is more likely to be seen hunting during the day in the spring and summer.

It is critical to respect an owl’s space if you see one out during the day. Do not try to approach or disturb the owl. You can contact a wildlife rehabilitator if you are concerned about the owl’s well-being.

How Far Can An Owl See During The Day?

Owls see well during the day, but their night vision is inferior. The owl’s species and the conditions determine the distance an owl can see throughout the day.

Some owls, such as the barn owl, have a 110-degree field of vision. This implies they can see nearly everything around them without moving their heads. Barn owls have superb binocular vision, which allows them to view objects in high detail with both eyes. This allows them to pursue small prey in poor light.

Other owls, like the great horned owl, have a limited field of vision but can see farther. Great horned owls have seen prey from up to 100 yards distant. This is due to their huge eyes, which collect more light than other birds’.

The distance an owl can see is also affected by the weather. Owls can see better in low light than they can in high light. This is due to a specific adaption in their eyes known as a tapetum lucidum. The tapetum lucidum is a tissue layer that lines the back of the eye and reflects. It bounces light back through the retina, aiding the owl’s night vision.

Owls can see well during the day, but their night vision is inferior. The owl’s species and the conditions determine the distance an owl can see throughout the day.

What Happens If I See An Owl During The Day?

If you see an owl during the day, it is not necessarily a cause for concern. Some owls are more active during the day than others. Here are some of the reasons why you might see an owl during the day:

  • The owl may be hunting during the day because its prey is more active during this time.
  • The owl may live in an area where there is less human activity during the day, such as a forest or field. This allows the owl to hunt and forage without being disturbed.
  • The weather may be cooler, or less wind during the day, making it easier for the owl to fly.
  • The owl may be sick or injured and is seeking food or shelter.
  • The owl may be a young owl still learning to hunt and forage.

If you see an owl during the day, it is important to be respectful of its space. Do not disturb the owl or try to approach it. Contact a wildlife rehabilitator if you are concerned about the owl’s welfare.

Here are some of the things you should do if you see an owl during the day:

  • Stay calm, and do not approach the owl. Owls are wild animals, and they can be unpredictable. If you approach an owl, it may become stressed or aggressive.
  • Give the owl plenty of space. Owls need space to fly and hunt. If you get too close, the owl may feel threatened and fly away.
  • If the owl seems injured or sick, contact a wildlife rehabilitator. A wildlife rehabilitator can assess the owl’s condition and provide the necessary care.
  • Enjoy the sight of the owl. Owls are beautiful and fascinating creatures. If you are lucky enough to see an owl during the day, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and grace.

Where Can I See a Northern Hawk Owl?

Surnia ulula (Northern hawk owl) is a medium-sized owl in North America, Europe, and Asia. It is a migratory bird that breeds in the north and spends the winter in the south.

Northern hawk owls are solitary birds that prefer open environments, including forests, fields, and meadows. It is frequently spotted looking for prey from a high perch, such as a tree or a fence post.

The northern hawk owl is a carnivorous bird that feeds on small mammals such mice, rabbits, and squirrels. It will also consume birds, reptiles, and amphibians.

In many nations, the northern hawk owl is a protected species. It is endangered because of habitat loss, fragmentation, hunting, and trapping.

Here are some of the places where you can see a northern hawk owl:

  • North America: The northern hawk owl breeds in the northwestern United States and Canada and spends the winter in the southwestern United States and Mexico.
  • Europe: The northern hawk owl breeds in northern Europe and winters in southern Europe and Asia.
  • Asia: The northern hawk owl breeds in northern Asia and winters in southern Asia.

If you are interested in seeing a northern hawk owl, you can visit one of the following places:

  • National Wildlife Refuges: National wildlife refuges are protected areas where wildlife can live and breed. Many national wildlife refuges have northern hawk owls.
  • State Parks: State parks often have open habitats that are suitable for northern hawk owls.
  • Nature Centers: Nature centres often have exhibits on wildlife, including northern hawk owls.
  • Birding Tours: There are many birding tours that visit areas where northern hawk owls are found.

If you meet a northern hawk owl, take in the sight of this magnificent and intriguing bird. However, keep a safe distance away and do not disturb it.

Coping Mechanisms

To cope with bright light conditions, owls have developed various mechanisms. They may utilize specialized nictitating membranes, a translucent third eyelid, to partially shield their eyes from intense light. Additionally, owls can adjust their pupils, constricting them to reduce the amount of light entering their eyes. These adaptive features play a vital role in enabling owls to function during daylight hours.

How Do Owls Hunt During the Day?

Typically, owls are nocturnal, which means they are most active at night. There are, however, owl species that are also active during the day. These owls have developed numerous adaptations for daytime hunting.

Using camouflage to hunt during the day is one method employed by owls. Many owls have feathers of the same hue as their surroundings, allowing them to conceal themselves from their prey. The brown and white feathers of the barn owl, for instance, let it blend in with trees and buildings.

During the day, owls also hunt by using their hearing. Even in brilliant sunshine, owls can identify prey with their keen hearing. For instance, the barn owl can detect the motion of little rodents even when they are concealed by tall grass.

Owls utilize their wings to aid in daytime hunting. The wings of owls are quiet, allowing them to soar without being discovered by their prey. This is crucial because it provides the owl with an element of surprise.

Finally, owls capture and kill their prey using their talons. Owls have keen talons that they utilize to grasp and dismember their prey.

Here are some of the ways owls hunt during the day:

  • Perching: Owls often perch on high perches, such as trees or fence posts, and scan for prey. When they see prey, they will swoop down and grab it with their talons.
  • Stalking: Owls can also stalk their prey, moving slowly and quietly until they are close enough to attack.
  • Surprise attack: Owls can also surprise their prey by flying silently overhead and then swooping down to attack.

The manner in which an owl hunts during the day depends on the owl species and its prey. To be successful hunters, owls utilize a mix of their senses and physical capabilities.


While owls are primarily associated with nocturnal behavior, they do possess the ability to see during the day. Their exceptional low-light vision makes them well-suited for hunting at night but poses challenges in bright daylight. Nonetheless, some owl species have adapted to be more active during the day, utilizing their acute vision and hearing to locate prey.

Owls employ various coping mechanisms to deal with bright light and maintain their visual functionality during the day. Their fascinating adaptability and unique eye structures continue to captivate both scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can owls see as well as diurnal birds of prey during the day?

A: While owls possess remarkable vision during the night, their daytime vision may not match that of diurnal birds of prey. However, diurnal owl species have evolved to have more acute day vision.

Q: Do all owl species hunt during the night?

A: No, not all owl species are exclusively nocturnal. Diurnal owls have adapted to hunt and remain active during the day.

Q: How do owls protect their eyes from bright sunlight?

A: Owls have specialized nictitating membranes and the ability to adjust their pupils, allowing them to partially shield their eyes and minimize the amount of light entering their eyes.

Q: Are diurnal owls more successful hunters than their nocturnal counterparts?

A: Diurnal owls have unique advantages when it comes to hunting during the day, such as acute vision and enhanced hearing. However, both diurnal and nocturnal owls are highly skilled predators in their respective hunting environments.

Q: Can owls switch between nocturnal and diurnal behavior?

A: While the majority of owl species maintain their nocturnal lifestyle, some species, known as crepuscular owls, exhibit behaviors during twilight periods. These owls are most active by dawn and dusk when light levels are intermediate.